How Many TNBC's Were Told To Have Genetic Counseling?
I was dx'd TNBC in June 2016 when I was almost 66. I have one sister who had estrogen positive BC at the age of 53. My Breast surgeon suggested Genetic counseling. I doubt Medicare will pay for genetic testing. There is no Cancer that I know of on my mother's or father's side of the family. I don't know if I should even make the appointment. My parents lived to almost 94, one grandmother lived to 100, the other grandmother lived to 95. my grandfathers lived to 87 and 95.
To answer your question, TNBC is much, much more likely to be genetic than other breast cancers. It very often targets younger women in their teens, twenties, thirties, and forties. That's why it is extremely important to have the testing done, even if you have to save up to pay for it!!! If you are positive, your daughters need to be tested right away. My Blue Cross paid for mine. If your girls are positive for BRCA 1 or 2, they should have a prophylactic double mastectomy, and remove their ovaries as soon as they are done having children. My daughter is positive for BRCA 1 as am I. She's had both procedures done with reconstruction, and her Ins paid for all of it. TNBC is a very dangerous type of BC. It is second only to Inflammatory BC in aggressiveness. Borrow the money if you have too, but don't play around with yours and your daughters lives. God bless you, my friend. 💗💗💗
Most insurance companies will pay for a minimum of BRCA 1&2 testing. Those are important genes, and knowing whether you're positive or not can help you to make decisions about your ovaries. If anything, your nurse navigator (I'm hoping you have one!) can help you fight the insurance company if need be. I've read that BRCA testing is *most important* for TNBC.
My doctor wrote up an order for testing. If you meet some qualifications sometimes the insurance will pay. I was TNBC, family history, (but not family history of TNBC) lymph node involved, never smoked. He felt it needed done. After an hour of phone counseling I was approved and all I paid was $69.00. It is worth a try especially for preventative measures for family members. I was negative for BRCA
I have already had a BMX and will be doing chemo and radiation. She said it is recomended for all triple negatives. I will do it if Medicare pays for it.
I was diagnosed with TNBC 10/13, stage 2b. I had the BRCA1 and BRCA2 test when I was 1st diagnosed. I have no family histoy. If I was positive for the mutations, my breast surgeon was recommending mastectomy rather than lumpectomy. I was negative. Lumpectomy (2.2cm) with sentinel node removal (1mm). Dose dense AC then T W/ carbo followed 34 days of radiation tx
Maybe your surgeon is using this as a diagnostic tool to determine a course of action? Best to ask your doctor why.
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