I Am Confused
I have noticed several posts with the term " triple negative" I do not want to sound insensitive so forgive me in advance. Does the mean no cancer was found in 3 different places?
When tumors are removed or biopsied they run a pathology on the tissue to identify the type of cancer. Triple negative means the tumor is not estrogen positive, progesterone positive, or her2new positive. This information is utilized to determine your treatment.
No it means the cancer is er- pr- n her-. This kind of cancer is harder to treat n correct me if I'm wrong ladies grows more aggressively
Tripe Negative is a very aggressive Cancer. Chemo and Radiation are all we have to fight it. There are no medications that will work on it since it is not caused by hormones. About 10-15% of all BC is triple negative.
Thank you.
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