Does Doing Weekly Taxol Wipe You Out?
I have been doing AC chemo for the past 2 months. I start weekly Taxol with Carboplatein every 3rd week the last week of October. I am afraid I am going to be totally wiped out from chemo every week., of course this is during the Holidays, too.
Unfortunately yes it does. It's accumulative so by the end I was pretty tired. But I'm 4 weeks out and feel back to normal though which is hopeful!!!
I had Taxol and Herceptin weekly for 12 weeks. Was pretty easy for me. Some fatigue . I am not sure about the Carboplatein component.
It will all be cumulative, so still keep up your rest and still keep drinking lots and lots of water. .
Yes it can unfortunately @A MyBCTeam Member
Yes tired but you have to keep moving. Not heavy exercise but daily moving around. Do things around the house, walk outside, fold laundry, just anything that will keep blood flowing it really helps. The only problem with taxol for me is some residual neuropathy in my toes. But if that's the worst thing I get from this journey then I thank a God. Hang in there girl this will all be just a memory soon enough!
I use Great Lakes Collagen powder in my morning tea. It is made from beef bones. It is like unflavored jello but will dissolve in cold or hot water. I think that is why my B-12 levels are so high. I take it because I am at high risk for Osteoperosis. 4 of my sisters have it and it disabled my mom.
Symptoms After Certain Treatments
On Taxol And Herceptin Weekly 12 Rounds, Feel So Tired And Lots Of Pains Ribs Chest Etci This Normal
Allergic Reaction To Taxol