Frankenscense Oil
I have had a hard time sleeping since my BMX and Chest expanders last June. I normally have to take xanex, melatonin, ibuprofen and rub on essential oils. A few days ago I started to to mix different combinations of relaxing essential oils in a diffuser and place it by my bed. At first I started with Lavener, then added Euclyptus. Last night I added some Frankenscence oil. Normally I am up 2-3 times a night. I went to bed at around 11:30 and the next thing I knew it was 6:30 am. The diffuser… read more
My brother had thyroid cancer (a tricky one) and his numbers were concerning for a couple of years. He could not do anymore radioactive txs, he had his thyroid removed and his care team was perplexed. It was not life threatening but it was something they never had before. He started frakenscense and his numbers lowered and his team attribute it to the oil because it is the only thing he did different.
@A MyBCTeam Member I follow this gal on Facebook and I bought her book, THE ORGANICALLY CLEAN HOME.
She has 150 recipes for all sorts of cleaners using vinegar, baking soda, Dr Bronners Castile soap, Borax,Peroxide and rubbing alcohol and lemon juice.
@A MyBCTeam Member look up in Amazon. Frankincense for nuerothapy. It has helped me a lot.
@A MyBCTeam Member I use a diffuser too. Mine stays on for 4 hours. I would like to get a diffuser that you can adjust. I also mix essential oils with a carrier oil. I like to use almond oil, but you can use any neutral oil. I add a few drops of different oils and mix in a small plastic cup. I then use the oil to massage my feet, shoulders, neck and hands. I am just learning what different oils are best. At night, I mix frankenscense, sage and lavender but there are many combinations.
@A MyBCTeam Member You will save tons of money not buying expensive cleaners for the kitchen, bath or windows. Then you can use the savings to buy good organic therapeutic essential oils
What Therapy's Are Available For Breast Cancer That Is Now In Located In The Liver?
Has Anyone Used Frankincense Oil For Metastatic ER+ Breast Cancer. I Keep Getting Suggestions To Use It And Also The Castor Oil Packs.
Does Anyone Use Any Form Of Essential Oils In Treatment?