When Did You Get Your Port Taken Out?
I am 5 weeks post chemo and my ONC said I can have my port taken out. It is scheduled for March 14 th. I was kind of surprised they wouldn't want to keep it in longer. My port has always been very tender and it hurts like crazy when they access it. So I would rather do blood draws through my arm.
My last herceptin was on February 13th. Docs gave me the okay to have my port removed -- so I was officially de-ported on February 22nd!! I'm keeping my fingers crossed that it was the right decision and I'm moving forward from having cancer to having had cancer and being a survivor.
I just had my port out last Monday. It was three weeks after my last Herceptin treatment --goodbye to the port. Didn't want to have to worry about flushes or infections!
I had a local and it was fine - didn't feel a thing except momentarily the sting of the local going in as usual. I think they applied pressure as it was being taken out but I don't remember it being painful or particularly uncomfortable. It was quick and easy. I had it removed about six weeks after chemo ended.
Asked mine the same question and was told I should keep it in case the cancer comes back.i thought it was awful rude to expect it to come back!i know better but they can think what they want
It is completely your choice as to when you have your port taken out. Different ONC will have different opinions on the subject and you always have the right to agree or disagree
I am triple positive, so I had that extra few months of @Herceptin targeted therapy. Once done with that, my ONC said I could have my port out. Since I wasn't having any issues with it, and knew I could still use it for 3 month blood draws, and for the dye for my echos, I asked if I could keep it in. She said fine, as long as I came to have it flushed every 6 weeks. At the time, I was working at home, so going for the flush wasn't an inconvenience.
After 2 three month fu appointments with my ONC , I decided it was time to remove it. ( so that was 6 months after treatments) . I was ready then and needed a new dose of closure at that time. I felt happy to make that choice in my terms.
My port didn't cause me any issues, nor did it's removal.
Since you are having issues with yours, you may want to follow your ONC's advice and remove it now. But only you know if this is the right time!!
Barley And Pasta
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