Who Out There Had Invasive Lobular Bc
Looking to connect with sisters who have had Invasive lobular bc. What did your dr tell you about this particular type of bc?
@A MyBCTeam Member my onc is making me take a zometa infusion for my bones each 6 months. The side effects are scary.
One of the most interesting things about ILC is that it does not show up on mammogram only ultra sound. It happens to older women. Not all team members agree. Hope this helps. Hugs!
I agree with your approach. The come talk to onc for 15 minutes with no testing or scan is showing no increase/decrease in overall outcome. So you are doing the same observation of your body and said symptoms they would look for. The need for all our dr. opinions was there at first but now it seems you are on hold especially emotionally. And if there is something better than the drugs/chemicals we are running thru us then I'm for that as well.
@A MyBCTeam Member so I have more info for you regarding managing hormones via holistic methods. Ok so flax is estrogenic but it binds bad estrogen and flushed it out which is why it’s good. I still take the milk thistle. And I also take saw palmetto which helps with estrogen reduction and a tincture that has burdock root and chaste berry. I’m still researching the chaste berry because it induces the body to make more progesterone and my cancer was partially progesterone positive. So I may stop that one. But burdock root is a good anti oxidants.
@A MyBCTeam Member - I was 52 when diagnosed almost 8 years ago.
Why Doesn’t Invasive Lobular BC Respond To Chemotherapy
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