Only 4 Rounds Of AC After Mastectomy?
I had my mastectomy three weeks back.Now I will start chemo. Only 4 rounds of AC only ( duxorubicin + cyclophosphamide) .Anyone had this treatment? When I browse, All I see AC followed by T. Worried about being under treated!!
I had the AC/T dose dense - but my oncologist told me the taxol was less important, or words to that effect.
Hi, I am Triple Negative, I had a mastectomy and 4 cycles at 3-week intervals of Cyclophosphamide & Docetaxel. Three days after the chemo I injected Filgrastim in the tummy to help with the white blood cell count. You're not being undertreated, you`re just being treated differently. Hope this helps ease your mind. Hugs
I only had the 4 rounds of A/C, no Taxol. My Oncologist said my tumor wasn't over 2 cm and there was no cancer in my lymph nodes.
I had ACT like many others. That being said AC is a pretty strong treatment. I had chemo before surgery and after the second round of AC you could no longer physically feel my tumor. It really depends on the type of breast cancer, the size of the tumor and the percentage of hormone positive. We have to be our own advocates. Ask your oncologist the reason behind just the 4 treatments if it makes you question the plan. I know with other cancers chemo sometimes is only 6 weeks so not all regimes are 20 weeks long like ACT. Good luck.
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