A Single Mastectomy Is Being Recommended For Me. Anyone Else Reconstruct Just The One And Augment The Other? If So, Are You Happy With It?
.I am 54 years old and have nursed two kids, so gravity has taken it's toll. My reasoning is that I don't want to lose the feeling of a real breast. Reconstruction will take that from me. And I'm ok with that in order to eliminate the cancer on the one side. There is no history of cancer in my family. It just turns out that with the 1 in 8 statistic, I'm the 1. Anyone else do just one, fix the other and are glad they did it that way or wish you had done both?
I was 41... 34 DD bilateral mastectomy... just like Sanne... it was a no bra iner f or me... I would make the same decision aga in ...no regrets... I didn't do reconstruction... as that is just too many headaches and complications and a life time of surgeries down the l ine... the key w ords @A MyBCTeam Member were "i don't want to go through this aga in"... no sensation in the w orld is w orth the risk and chance. G inger.. gravity still takes it toll with implants... maybe check out the facebook supp ort group flat and fabulous... so many women on there that have done one or both... they give lots of resources, ideas etc... f or prosthetics, and clothes to wear etc... also... there are many that voice they did one and wish they would have done both f or the sake of symmetry.. and f or f ind ing bras and clothes and bath ing suits... they also post pictures... would be a great resource f or you and sheela. @Moneill71- Im so s orry to hear of your struggles with your reconstruction and radiation effects. I feel life got easier when I stopped try ing to f ind my new "n ormal" and instead my new reality. It seems when we keep try ing to get back to where we were physically we are sadly disappo inted and it is never the same.. even with the best surgeon... results, feel, look, sensation etc... the clarity seems to come when we f ind a place between happy and healthy.. with or without boobs of any s ort.... good luck to all you ladies!!!
I only had cancer in one breast, but chose to have both taken to avoid the Tamoxifin. I had DCIS though but the speed at which abnormal cells (not precancerous) from a discharge changed to DCIS is a large part of what made me have both done. After surgery they found the same "abnormal" cells in the 'good' one. Mine went from abnormal cells, to DCIS from early May to mid August - two lumpectomies a month apart, one month off and bilateral mastectomy in early December. I don't have any regrets except that my plastic surgeon talked me out of silicon. If I were to offer any suggestion at all, it would be to really evaluate the type/stage etc. of the cancer they found in your one breast and decide. Losing the feeling is a small sacrifice to not have to go through it all again, if the odds are not in your favor.
I had a unilateral and a lift on the other side. You can lose sensation from the lift as they cut around the nipple. Although it's almost imp impossible to achieve symmetry, I like having a soft breast remaining as my all implant side is much firmer and cold.
I was 50, had nursed 2 kids, was a firm and perky 38D and had them both lopped off. I also chose not to reconstruct and I've been flatter that a pre-teen for 5 years as of 7/18/18. It was a no-brainer choice for me and I would make the same decision again-in a heartbeat!
I have decided to go with the recommended single mastectomy with reconstruction. Surgery is scheduled for August 23. Thank you all for your input! : )
Just Weighing Out Options And Wanted To Know Why Do Some Choose Not To Reconstruct V. Choosing To Reconstruct
Unilateral Or Bilateral Mastectomy?
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