Issue With Stinky Armpit!
I know this sounds crazy, but my armpit that had minimal node removal has all of a sudden decided that none of my non-aluminum deodorants are going to work. I use Native, Chrystal or Toms. Anyone else have this issue or use a different deodorant that I could try? Thanks!
I found one made by Schmidt that I liked a lot. Can't use it when I am having radiation because it has a scent, But will use it again once I am finished with chemo and radiation.
CocoPits is pretty effective. It’s definitely better than anything else I’ve tried.
I stopped using deodorant. Even Toms did not work for me. I swipe cornstarch under my armpit with a cottonball.
I use Toms. Noticed the smell when I first started using it. But now it's gone.
I had that issue, it is detoxing. Give it more time, the Chrystals work for me now. But yes, kind of gross at first.
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