How Important Is A MRI In Diagnosing Reoccurence?
I am 2 1/2 years out from chemo from aggressive TNBC. I also have a lot of other medical conditions. One of them is severe degenerative disease in my spine and herniated discs. I had surgery in April which failed and I am I. Pretty much constant pain. I really don’t want any more surgeries, I have had 8 surgeries in 3 years plus a ton of medical procedures. One of the options they are giving me is to implant a spine stimulation device in my back to disrupt pain signals. I am really not on board… read more
I have a relative who just had the spine stimulation device implanted. It has eased his pain considerably. With regard to an MRI to detect recurrence, many insurance companies will not even approve an MRI until you are symptomatic which by then is of limited value.
@A MyBCTeam Member, sis I am so sorry to hear all that you've gone through and are going through. I don't get on here much, but I do think of you ladies. My suggestion, why wait until December to find out about eliminating MRI's for future test. I would call oncologist now, and ask that question. It took an MRI for them to see my reoccurrence. But then again, there are CT Scans, Pet Scans, so not sure what the answer is, but I would call. Praying healing for you.
@A MyBCTeam Member Wow. I am having chronic 8/10 chest/rib breast pain and it is so life sucking. I can't imagine spinal pain like that. I would go for the stimulator but go to a major expert on this - someone with tons of experience. I would think they could detect recurrence without MRIs. Go to a top notch radiology center for tests. Pain is major.
My doctor has CT scans planned every 6 months to look for recurrence. If other scans are possible, losing the MRI option may not be much of a risk. Would definitely talk to your oncologist about this and make an informed decision on the risks you would be undertaking. Hang in there!!
@A MyBCTeam Member, you are very correct that this site and the women on here are always here to lift others up and encourage one another. "Cancer is cancer" is probably not a good description. Although everyone experiences anger, fear, frustration, ect. It is much different for those who went through the disease and are now in remission or NED versus those who won't ever see remission or NED without a cure. Speaking from personal experience with my second cancer being Stage I and my third exposure to cancer evolving into Stage IV, I would be so elated and grateful to be that person with Stage I to III with NED or remission. Of course it is frightening to think there is a possibility of reoccurence. Yes, everyone goes through a rough time when they get cancer in the first place, it is horrifying for all of us. But, there are some that are living with the reality of Stage IV being a terminal disease we get to live with the rest of our lives. I thank God every day I am given the opportunity to open my eyes and have a good day. I am not trying to make you feel bad, just want to point out the definite difference and just remind eveyone that they need to focus on the good. There is always someone else that has it far worse. Life is messy and hard and so beautiful at the same time. Take advantage of the beautiful and may God give you the strength to endure the messy, difficult times.
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