Does Anyone Have Any Suggestions For The Underarm Area After Surgery?
I think the no deodorant/ shaving is irritating my skin more than the incision is, or maybe it’s the combination. Lol. Any suggestions? Or do you just ride it out? I’m 1 week post-op.
I rode it out, even though it was irritating! My surgery was 12/16, and I still don't have feeling in my left armpit.
If you can tolerate it, I know some people can't, don't shave for a while. The hair will be stiff initially but will soften as it grows.
Yes, a small pillow, or small folded towel under the arm helps alleviate the pressure and/or friction from your arm against the incision site. I also had small ice packs when especially aggravating! Hugs!
Here are some tips for underarm care after lymph node removal surgery:
1. Deodorant Choices
- Some members found success with vegan products like Love Beauty and Planet.
- Clinique unscented deodorant has also been recommended for keeping odor away.
- It's important to try different products to see what works Show Full Answer
I thought the lymph node area was the worst thing out of everything. It always burned like I was sweating into an open cut. For a long time I walked with my arm away from my side a little. I didn’t think of using nonstick gauze to stop the rubbing until
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