Young Women Diagnosed
I have seen all these young women under 40 with this horrible diagnosis but wondering how they are diagnosed? I have a chek2 mutation and my daughters are 33 and 30 and have been told don't need mammogram till 35. Ofcourse my worse fear is one of them having to go thru this .
My mom had BC at age 39. She asked me to have a mammogram done just as a baseline. (She never asked me for anything, so I did it.) This was how they found my BC early.
After my treatments were done, I had mammograms and MRIs annually. That's how they found BC in my other breast.
My sisters all have annual mammograms and sometimes biopsies and ultrasound, but so far, they've been lucky.
I have Chek2 mutation and encouraged my children to be tested(2 boys, 1 girl, all in their 20’s). If they test within 6 months of my testing, it is free of charge for them. So far, one son is negative, I believe if they test positive, they qualify for early detection tests.
I agree young women should have a mammogram maybe every 2 years
Since you have the genetic mutation- they may be able to get their genetic tests done, and a recommendation for an early baseline. If insurance won't cover it, ask if the diagnostic center does any specials in October. Ours does, and a mammo is like $99 because of Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Hugs!
Thanks will push my girls to get now
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