Her2 Positive Support
Calling all long term Her2 positive stage 4s…. I am in need of encouragement and would love to know how long you have been on Herceptin and Perjeta. I just started my first round of maintenance therapy this week. My scans look great but I worry about resistance. Does anxiety get better? 🙏
I’ve been on herceptin and perjeta every 3 weeks since February 2018. I also have Zometa every 12 weeks. I was originally diagnosed 8/13 stage 2 with one year of herceptin then stage 4 Feb 2018. I have scans every 6 months , actually due now. I’ve been stable. Anxiety does get better, but around scan times it starts all over again. I’m 56 and for the most part I feel pretty good and try to focus on the positive.
I have to admit since I stopped working in July to focus on “me” I feel a lot less anxious
As I just stopped working on 7/8 it’s hard to say how I really feel about it. I’ve worked for 37 years and This was a tough decision. I had a very stressful job as a Radiologic technologist and manager of the whole Imaging department. I can tell you this though I know I feel so much better. My energy levels are better as my fatigue has lessened. When I was working it was a struggle to get moving in the morning and at the end of the day I was exhausted. I was going to bed at 8 pm. I felt that was not a good quality of life. My oncologist and primary care felt that it was time to just concentrate on me. Plus every three weeks with treatment starts to feel like a job in its own. I walk 3 days a week 3 miles hopefully I can work that up to 5 days. I like to craft , read do puzzles. It’s summer now so I’ve been busy with gardening and enjoying our pool. It’s a personal decision but I believe I am finding peace with it.
I have taken up photography and meditation and I feel so at peace with my inner self. I’d definitely recommend a hobby. I also work full time too. I took up meditation as soon as I was diagnosed and I’m convinced it played a huge healing part in my now being nearly 4 years in remission.
Empty nest is a real thing. You do need to go back to work between medical and children off to college lots of stress. If you cannot return to work I would sign up for classes. Anything that interest you. To much time to think is my downfall. You are ready for some you time. Travel, hobbies
Work. Most of us Moms never ask ourselves what do you want to do. Try it 😍
Support for individuals with HER2-positive breast cancer can come from various sources:
1. Nursing Team
- Nurses, including nurse navigators, play a crucial role in helping manage side effects, stick to treatment plans, and transition into survivorship.
- They provide clinical, logistical, and emotional support Show Full Answer
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