Has Anybody Have Physical Therapy For BMX With TE?
I had a BMX with TE 4 weeks ago. When I went to the PS yesterday she told me I needed physical therapy. Has anybody gone to PT for BMX with T.S.? Can you tell me how it went and what is was for? Thank You
Yes, you'll want to avoid "frozen shoulder" it takes some PT moving your arms and then guided stretching sessions. There was a time as a car passenger in the front seat, I could not reach anything in the back seat with my left arm, or as the driver, pull the car door shut easily. I am 1-1/2 yrs out and my left arm is still weaker, but I get those dumbells up! It will be awhile before using those; think streching band.
I would recommend physical therapy. It helped me tremendously. You are also given advice on continuing stretches to relieve tightness.
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