What Type Of Long Term Effects Do Some People Experience From Chemo After They Are In Remission?
Chemo caused nerve damage in my legs and they always ache. Something I’m used to. My finger tips and toes go numb as well. I’ve been in remission 8 yrs this month.
I have very mild neuropathy in my toes. Makes certain yoga poses are difficult, bear pose is uncomfortable. My eye brows did not come back, although were very fair and thin to begin with. I had them tattooed on.
Other than that, I have no problems. Trying to live my life as best I can.
Wishing you well!
I am just experiencing a lot of pain. When I go back to see the oncologist they always check to see if there is reoccurrence. They have no explanation for the pain.
Some long-term effects that people may experience from chemotherapy after they are in remission include:
- Chemo brain: Memory loss and brain fog, affecting concentration and thinking
- Early menopause: Can lead to osteoporosis.
- Nerve damage: Resulting in pain and numbness.
- Dental problems: Including loss of taste.
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Yes I too experience neuropathy hands, mainly fingers and feet, mainly toes and 1 year post treatment…still experiencing bad bouts of gas & stomach issues, aggravated breathing issues sometimes, breast pain, port site pain..etc but through it all I’m still here and I’m grateful…I say we are healed because to me re-mission implies that it(cancer) has the per-mission to return and it Does Not..we are healed, whole, and set free from all manner of sickness & disease according to Isiah 53:5…and hold fast to thy confession says the Word in (Hebrews 10:23-25) so warrior fighting women that’s my confession and I share it because it’s my prayer for us all…Healed, Whole, & set Free from all manner of sickness, curses, and disease…I have been in ministry for a long time so the “curses “ part is a whole nother area of the Word of God…🙏🏽🥰
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