Lymph Node Removal Recovery
I had a lumpectomy with lymph node removal one week ago. Everything just came back clear. The surgeon told me that he actually took out 5 because when he took the sentinel there were 4 "glommed" onto it. There was no way not to take them. I have read that exercise and working range of motion probably decrease chances of lymphedema but that really there is no way to know who will get it. Of course my fear now is that with 5 removed I will be at an increased risk. My incision site has gotten much… read more
Ugh. I'm also so teary today and thinking this is how things are now.
Thank you so much for the reply. I am just having occasional electrical feeling of zaps right now. Sounds like a longer recovery for you than I was hoping/dreaming. Good for me to hear some reality. Take care.
My original surgery was scheduled for June 3rd but last minute medical issue cancelled it. It was supposed to be lumpectomy & 4 sentinel nodes so then it was scheduled for July 3rd and on MyChart the order was written Lumpectomy, 4 sentinel nodes and axillary nodes. I went ballistic because I said no axillary nodes so I called the office to make that clear.
I only had an achiness in that area for a few weeks, nothing painful, just a dull ache. Almost 4 months post and so far no lymphedema.
About one week post surgery I developed 5 seromas. No one had told me about them and I had to search online for myself. Once I figured it out the information said they are not uncommon. I don't understand why no one mentioned them as possible development. I got two underarm and 3 in my breast. They were very painful. I told the PA post op check up and he felt them all but wasn't concerned. He said if I wasn't taking pain killers they must not hurt very much! They hurt a lot and everything hurt them. They are just going away 4 weeks post surgery and don't hurt so much now.
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