Follow Up Question (post Lumpectomy/radiation. Stage 1
I just got back from my first follow up after lumpectomy and radiation. Saw oncologist and I was feeling great for being done. I left in tears. She said there are no blood tests, no follow up test other than the yearly mammogram. Is this typical? She said just report pain in the future, If you have head pain in your head you might have brain cancer etc. ? What?? She basically said the AI will make me feel like crap and that is about it. I felt so abandoned. Left emotional and wanting a new… read more
Hi, You need to get a new dr. One you feel comfortable with.
Sorry that you had that experience after all you have encountered. Yes, don’t blame you for feeling abandoned and left wondering what to do. Choosing a new oncologist is an option- so important to feel comfortable with your health provider.
All the best 🤗
My first comment is WTF? (Excuse my language) not getting bloodwork? Second comment, find another provider if possible. I’ve had nothing but support from my BC treatment team. They are on the ball and do not leave me feeling anything but heard and supported…so, find someone else if you can. There are wonderful providers out there.
Third comment is AI has not been a big deal for me. I took letrozole for 4 years before I had pain in my feet when I’d come back from walking. My oncologist took me off for a month to see if it got better which it did, so he put me on exemestane which I’ve been on for a little over a year and tolerating well. I have another six years to go and I’m not worried about it. I will add that I’ve gone gluten free due to a different issue and that also helps with reducing inflammation.
after my radiation I saw my radiation oncologist for one more year. I continue seeing my onco every 6 month for follow up blood work etc... find a new doctor don't give up.
I had a lumpectomy and still have follow up visits with my oncologist and my surgeon. It's been over a year and now I'll go into annual checkups and mammogram. Did you go to a cancer center? You should never feel left alone by your doctor..find a new one and hopefully through a cancer center where they understand and care.
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