Do Doctors Prescribe Pain Medication For The Side Effects Of Arimidix Or Other Hormone Therapy?
I’m supposed to be taking Arimedix after my radiation treatments. After reading about the terrible side effects, especially pain, I’m really nervous about taking it (or anything else). I’ve been in chronic pain most of my life, and it’s only gotten worse (I’m 63). The thought of having additional pain for 5 years or more is something I know I can’t handle. As much as I’ve been reading all of the posts here about this, I don’t see anyone talking about being prescribed pain medication. Doctors… read more
Pam , I am supposed to start the same drug now that i have finished radiation. I have chronic pain from fibromyalgia and don't want any more pain either? I am talking with all my doctors first before starting it.
BINGO! Doctors don't like prescribing pain meds. 'Take 2 Tylenol & that will help you'. Baloney. Until an adequate pain drug is invented that can at least mask 70% of bone/joint pain, women are going to opt out taking hormone blockers for the required amount of years to keep Breast cancer from recurrence.
Hi Pam & welcome, most women who can't tolerate one AI can try another. Doctors often frown upon prescribing strong pain drugs for side effects to a medication. There may come a time with cancer that pain meds are really needed and if those drugs are taking for side effect pain, we could all build up a tolerance to it. I have been taking Anastrozole for 5 months, my 'pain' which I still call pretty low and tolerable just started 2 weeks ago. I haven't yet had any other of the mentioned side effects. You can try it. If you feel you can't tolerate it, you can try another. Some women do better on one or the other. 🥰
Need To Know About Side Effects To Taking Arimedex.