My onc just took me off tamoxifen because he believes it caused a bloodclot in my leg and lead to
pulmonary embolism. My onc now wants me to go on Aromatase and I don't know what to do.. Those of you who have stopped any medication how do you feel? What measures have you taken instead of meds? My doc said on the meds for another 5 years puts be at 79% for no reoccurrence. Is it worth it? Your comments are greatly appreciated
QOL is more important than a drug that does NOT guarantee to ward off cancer. The new protocal is now ten years. I am 43 and was like I am not taking this horrible thing for 9.9 more years. I totall loss sex drive, mood swings. Yelling at my kids, hot flashes, terrible insomnia. Most all dissipated (ok still yell at the kids) and sleep never the same post chemo.
Do Not beat yourself up. It's COMMON to abandon hormone medications. Dont ask your onco. Ask your plastic surgeon or GP. And I bet they agree w you. My PS Said Many of his patients chose to stop taking it and he totally is for QOL too.
Its a personally choice. I take nothing. I tried Tamoxifen but the SE's just hindered my quality of life and I said NO MORE to that or any alternative drugs.
Good for you Suzieq... I get it some people aren't here yet, but my pastor teaches that, faith cannot dwell where fear is and that if you believe that, then you must believe that w e are healed thru the Blood of Jesus...I believe that and I walk in that.. Be well Suzieq
My anastrazole was giving me a bad quality of life... I was dizzy ALL THE TIME, my bones ached something awful and I couldn't think straight sometimes for two years... I told my onc that I wasn't going to live like that and that I didn't want to TRY something else... If I believed that G.D healed me there is nothing else to take.. just walk in His Word... BEST decision that I ever made, G.D is true to His Word because I feel AMAZING...It's up to you, you have to know what you believe. Be well.
I hear ya JCbc784. I decided not to take it. I took it before n was always in agony. I was put back on tomaxifen then I got the blood clot... Ugh... I just want to feel better again
What Can I Expect If I Stop All Meds And How Soon?
Do You Simply Take A Medication Your Provider Prescribed Or Freeze With Anxiety Over Taking Prescribed Meds (outside Of Cancer Treatment)?
I Had My Surgery Yesterday. It Still Very Painful Without Pushing Meds. How Long Will I Have To Take These. I Had S Lumpectomy With Three