Hello All.I Received 6 TCHp Chemo Cycles Followed By Bilateral Mastectomy.Soon Going To Start Radiation.Any Tips For Radiations Would Help
Want to know more about radiation side effects and tips to lessen those.
I heard from someone that fatigue was the main side effect. She said she had worked during radiation
I didn’t particularly enjoy radiation, but it was easier than chemo. The therapist are incredibly, kind, angels! Mostly tedious going every day. My doctor had me apply aquaphor 2-3 times a day. I did come out with intact skin. Biggest side effects for me were fatigue and skin redness.
Wishing you well!
So glad to hear pain was manageable with Tylenol! And i am definitely not looking forward to the drains! 🤢 lol Thank you so much for answering 💕 Hopefully by keeping the area moisturized very well will help during radiation. That's my plan. Wishing you all the best!
@A MyBCTeam Member Yes TCHP was the hardest part.Surgery wasn’t too bad.Didn't have much pain.It was manageable with Tylenol.The part that I didn’t like after surgery was the drains.I had them for 3 weeks.Else everything else was okay.
All the best for your surgery.Hope all goes well.
Thank you all for all your responses.I am sure these tips will be helpful.
@A MyBCTeam Member can you please share the link of calendula soap you used?
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