Next Thursday I'm Having My Second Chemo Treatment. I Still Have My This Normal? Should I Expect To Lose It All This Next Time?
You don't look crazy. Just shave the rest off. I was lucky. Purchased a dignicap which freezes my hair follicles and my hair thinned out but didn't lose it. Had 4 chemo sessions. Now I am going through radiation. Will need 28 for my lymph nodes. Already had 3 now have 25 to go. Doing 👍 okay. After that I will go on meds. Radiation is for preventive. They had taken put 9 lymph nodes and 4 were cancer 5 were cancer free which I am.
Just did my 3rd round of TCHP and still have a little bit of hair. It started to fall out a little after the first treatment so I did a pixi cut, then after my 2nd treatment, did a buzz cut. I now look like a monk with a ring of hair around the top of my head! I kind of just wish it would all just go so I don't' look so crazy!
I tried Dignicap with my Enhertu treatments, and it didn't work at all. I spent $1200 and lost all of my beautiful, thick, curly hair. What a waste of time and $$$.
By my 3rd cycle of Cytoxen and Taxotere my hair was coming out in clumps. I buzz cut it to avoid hair everywhere. Thankfully I got my hair back frizzy and curly but grateful for hair
Didn't loose my hair. I used the dignicap that I purchased and it worked. I am having my final chemo this Tuesday.
All Hair Do You Lose
Experiences With Hair Falling Out
Does All Chemo That Treats Breast Cancer Cause You To Lose Your Hair?