Lately, I’ve Been Wondering If My Current Treatment Plan Is Aggressive Enough.I Can’t Wait Too Long.
Currently battling Invasive lobular carcinoma.
I have stage 2, grade 2 ILC. I had 7 lymph nodes removed all clear, margins clear. No chemo and no radiation. I am taking an antiestrogen medicine, anastozole
I’m on Anastrozole too.
Thank you for that. I have an apt coming up and plan to ask. My body has been responding well w/oral meds but can’t help thinking I need to do more.
I have ILC. Stage 2A. 2.1 cm. Hormone negative , HER 2 positive. I had a lumpectomy with clear margins, 5 lymph nodes removed, and all were clear. 6 rounds of TCHP, 20 rounds of radiation, and Herceptin and perjeta infusions. Hoping that this will be enough.
It's important to discuss any concerns about your treatment plan's aggressiveness directly with your oncologist. They can provide insights based on your specific case of breast cancer, such as the type, stage, and your overall health. If you feel your treatment isn't aggressive enough, your doctor can explain the rationale Show Full Answer
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