How Soon After The End Of Your Treatments For Her2-positive Cancer, Did It Come Back? And Where?
HER2-positive breast cancer has a higher likelihood of recurrence, particularly within the first five years after treatment. The peak of recurrence for HER2-positive breast cancer is around 20 months post-treatment. Recurrences can be:
- Local: The cancer returns in the same area as the original tumor
- Regional: The Show Full Answer
Sorry about your birad 4 results. Isn’t it so crazy we need to constantly fight for stuff. You’d think the doctors would be more serious considering the situation.
Ph that’s nice for the MRI. My onco said there’s no need to do any scans, just blood tests, which I don’t find enough at all considering Her2 is an aggressive cancer with the highest risk of coming back within the first 2 years.
Forgot to say, just finished treatment 1 year ago, so have had 1 mri havent had the 2nd one.
Follow up to your great question is, what type of screening or specific monitoring are to happen after HER2 treatment completed? Blood tests? MRI or PET (if so, how often?). TIA
Is There Any Hope That With An HER2positive Diagnosis With A Surgery And Treatment, My Life Span Will Be More Than 8 Years ?
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