Anyone Have Stage 3 Breast Cancer That Spead To The Brain Or Bladder? After Almost 2 1/2 Yrs.Found Spot On Bladder Ct Scan And A Couple Wks
later found spot on brain after MRI with contrast ,a few wks later.. So now have to go for rad. on brain also and get bladder checked after this. Seeking more info. from anyone having it go to brain.
When breast cancer spreads to other parts of the body, it is known as metastasis. In stage 4 breast cancer, cancer cells can spread to the brain, liver, lungs, or bones. Metastasis to the brain is more likely in triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) compared to other types. Symptoms of brain metastasis can include:
So sorry to hear that😢
I am so sorry to hear this Dee but radiation does help these 'spots' as they come. Radiation to two areas of bone stopped after being radiated.
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