How Has Estrogen-blocking Therapy (AIs, Shot, Hysterectomy) Gone For You?
I have ER+, PR+, and HER2+ invasive ductal carcinoma. My oncologist told me that I would need to go on an aromatase inhibitor or get a monthly shot after my mastectomy to shut down my estrogen.
There's significant side effects to no estrogen. I've been on anastrolze for 2+ years. First significant muscle and joint pain which has leveled off for me. Still, I cry all the time at the slightest thing...usually appreciative events as opposed to sad. I'm not depressed, so don't want antidepressants with all of their significant side effects. Wish the tears were not so prevalent though.
I didn’t hear about that shot. I see my oncologist next week and will ask if that is some thing right for me. Hope the shot’s work for you.
@A MyBCTeam Member
Clear through your oncologist or medical oncologist whether you can take Reservatrol and Theaflavin which are anti-cancer
natural products.
Maybe bring printed out research to show him…
@A MyBCTeam Member, he says it may get better over time. I’m in therapy and having to make adjustments like taking notes. I never had to take notes before. My memory was phenomenal. Now, I forget what I was saying mid-sentence. At least I’m no longer swinging from thoughts of self harm to irrational rage.
@A MyBCTeam Member, my new oncologist felt that the risks outweighed any benefits I might gain from any hormone suppressors so I’m not taking anything at present.
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