Good Morning, Still No Pain Or Complications. Monday I Go To See My Oncologist. I Wonder What's Next ? Pathology Report, Doesn't Show Any
Cancer but still wonder and trying to prepare for the next. Will it be hormonal therapy or radiation ? Or is this it ? Not panicking but just want to know ?
@A MyBCTeam Member I am in the same boat. I had a lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy on 7/23. No lymph node involvement and margins were clear. Still, I am feeling very unsettled and anxious about the next steps. I don't see the oncologist until 8/7. I was told initially that I would need Hormone blockers and Radiation. I am trying to take it one step at a time. Hugs!
Keeping you in prayers for Monday's appt! Hugs!
@A MyBCTeam Member I am happy your pathology report showed no cancer. Not sure about radiation but having to take a drug seems to be a given no matter what. I don't know anyone here not taking one of the AI's. Be very cautious about taking the bone drugs that come by infusion and injection because long term use can cause very damaging results and once you take them, you can't go off them . Look into diet and taking D3 for bone health.
I had no pain after my lumpectomy and sentinel lymph node biopsy. I had clear margins, no cancer in lymph nodes and because I was ER/PR positive, HER2 negative, my tumor was small (7 mm), and I was going to be on hormone therapy afterward, I qualified for APBI radiation (accelerated partial breast irradiation) which was only five sessions. I also had an Oncotype score of 11. So many factors are involved in making the decision about follow-up treatment. I didn't need chemo. Once your oncologist puts all your information together, you two will make a decision about follow-up treatment based upon their recommendation. Make your decision based upon knowledge and information, not emotion. You haven't given enough information for any of us to make a guess about what your follow-up treatment will be.
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When Should I See The Oncologist?