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Lumpectomy Timelines

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Long Island, NY

For those of you that had lumpectomies, how long after your surgery did you find out if the BS got a clean margin or if you had to come back again? Also how long did it take for them to determine if you needed chemo or not?

June 18, 2017
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A MyBCTeam Member

My first lumpectomy was not clear so I had to have another one ~ 3 weeks later. 2nd one was fine. Yes they did the "oncotype" on me - I was exactly on the border between no chemo and chemo and was given a choice. I chose no chemo. I had 38 radiation treatments and have been on Arimidex for 3 years (Yesterday was my 3 year "mammoversary" , 2 more years to go:) )

June 20, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

@sherrysmthnguyen - that's what the breast surgeon told me initially. He said radiation and medication ( Tamoxifen) are pretty much guarantees and chemo will depend on what the oncotype come back as. Good luck!!

June 19, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

I had my lumpectomy on a Monday and got a phone call from my nurse navigator the next day saying I had clean margins and that the sentinel node had cancer. Saw onc the next week and chemo was needed so didn't waste time on oncotype test. Started chemo about 5 weeks later after healed and port installed.

June 18, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

@ktoombs- thank you for your answer. So just to get more information (my lumpectomy is Wednesday, so I'm trying to gather as much info as I can!), did you have radiation also? Did you need to wait for the oncotype to come back first to see if you needed chemo before you would begin radiation? In other words, did you have no treatment at all for 6 weeks after the lumpectomy while you waited for the oncotype score, then chemo, then radiation? Sorry for all the questions I'm just trying to figure it all out. 😊

June 18, 2017
A MyBCTeam Member

I had my lumpectomy thirsday before last. Got the full pathology report this morning. So far they have only mentioned radiation. And posdibly homon blocking medication I go back this Thursday to meet with both the radiation doctor and the oncologist

June 19, 2017

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