For Pink Sisters Who Were DX Triple Positive, Are There Alternative Treatments To Aromatase Inhibitors?
These hormone blockers are brutal to our bones and joints. Is there anything else to prevent cancer growth without depleting us of hormones?
DIM helps regulate hormones. One of my questions for my naturopath when I meet with her on Monday. I will share what she suggests I take for natural hormone care.
I will have the answer to that question on Monday when I meet with my natural doctor over hormones. I won't take conventional hormone blockers due to the miserable side effects. I know there are natural alternatives out there and I will share.
Go for it. When I stopped for a month, my leg pain went away after the first week.
I told you Palliative radiation was different than regular radiation. I don't think every woman is aware of this and hears the word Palliative and thinks its connected to end of life when its not. My radiologist said he would see me on as needed basis so if a new lesion shows up on a bone, he will have it radiated. I have had no pain since last July when I had it done to my sternum and new bone grew over the damaged bone cancer caused. My hip, I was only having a dull ache there but he was concerned a part of the bone was wearing thin and that it would lead to a fracture, so we did the radiation, and I haven't felt that dull ache ever since.
I would be very interested in hearing of any alternatives. My Dr. wants me to try the Anastrozole since I have refused to take anything after the terrible Exemestane side effects on my body. I did finish the 5 treatments of targeted palliative radiation in July which has helped my pelvic and hip pain greatly. I am thankful to Barb 66 for the encouragement to have it done, as I can now walk again with very little pain.
Good Morning Liz300. Thank you for sharing information on DIM.
Aromitase Inhibitor
Is Exestatane A Good Estrogen Blocker