Is Cancer Treatment In America As Bad As In The UK? Consultants Here Withold Info And The Radiotherapy Machines At My Hospital Break Down.
Sorry to hear that some of you are having a hard time with oncologists, tests, etc. It is true that it can be hit or miss. I have to say from the moment I was told I have triple positive breast cancer I feel like I'm in the best hands. The hospital and cancer center may be considered rural but I've had the best experience one can have with treatments, from the surgeon, pathologists, nurses,imaging techs, and radiation techs , oncologist and NP I have confidence in them all. I could have traveled up to the Cleveland Clinic but decided to stay in Cambridge, OH and the Ohio health system. Good luck to you all. I am feeling blessed.
Don't listen to the AI. He's quoting national stats at you not personal experience. I'm sorry you are having so much trouble. Sounds like your medical facilities could use an update.
The short answer is sometimes yes.
Unfortunately, there is a big divide in both quality of care, availability of care, and personal satisfaction. In my experience with national support groups online and what has been documented with COVID recently. Quality and availability of care runs along party lines and geography. So much so that I know people who have multiple oncologists and travel great distances even spending multiple days each month in order to get good treatment. I travel an hour to a larger city to get care. Urban areas are better than rural and in an attempt to be sensitive that's where I will end. ❤️
Well, yesterday I was going through some old papers, and found that I had an appt scheduled over a year ago, for an appt July 2024. No calls, no texts as reminders. Guess I will have to follow up on that sometime or another. When I have a few minutes, I will check MyChart- lol! Have I mentioned I am not crazy about my oncologist? Hugs to all!
That is terrible. This is one of the first questions asked during and after treatnent, "Do you have pain anywhere?"
Omg that’s terrible 😞
No one should have to suffer like that.
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