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The High Cost Of Cancer & Is There Really Anything We Can Do About It ?

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Lansdowne, PA

It begins with the prices of scans, surgeries and drugs

Medical imaging providers, such as hospitals, imaging centers, and other facilities, set the prices for medical scans.

The monstrous cost of drugs is set by pharmaceuticals.
I find the drug manufactures to be the worst of all.
What's the sense of manufacturing drugs that are too costly for most people to pay for and that insurance companies usually deny?

Maybe if hospitals would set more reasonable prices on scanning devices and… read more

January 26 (edited)
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A MyBCTeam Member

Every time I find myself wandering down the whole "it's all about the money" path, I remind myself of the doctors I have known that died of cancer, or had their loved ones die of cancer. If there was a cure- they wouldn't have hid it at the cost of their own life or family members. Yes, it is frustrating, and yes, we are in a race against time. But for every drug that makes it to market, there are countless ones that did not work out because they were not as effective as current meds, or had too many devastating side effects, etc. One of the doctors at our center VOLUNTEERS once a week at a research facility in hopes that his time will make a difference in moving things forward for bc.

Knowing there isn't a cure or preventative yet, is hard, but we are not the only people in that boat- cancer and non-cancer.

6 days ago
A MyBCTeam Member

I don't think Breast cancer will ever be cured. Maybe other less lethal non challenging cancers but Breast, Lung, Pancreatic and colon cancers aren't going anywhere. They make money off of our disease, we are their lab rats, surgery, chemo, radiation and drugs and then they look at the results and chart it .

5 days ago
A MyBCTeam Member

One thing Jo, I personally don't believe they already have a cure and just not admitting it. I think cancer is such a complex disease that its next to impossible to figure out how to cure it. So many ways to keep it stable but a cure? I don't see it ever happening.

6 days ago
A MyBCTeam Member

We all know cancer is a trillion dollar business. There will never be a cure. All that money would dry up; the government and big pharma would never do that. I agree with Barbara. They’ll be more drugs with side effects that may extend life (or not) the carrot will dangle in front of millions of people in the name of successfully overcoming cancer. Some will overcome it due to their response and ability to tolerate drugs. Some will experience spontaneous remission, some will align with alternative treatments, or a combination of various approaches. With all the brilliant minds that have contributed to finding a cure, their efforts will never be allowed to materialize. Unfortunately, that is just the way it is. 😐

6 days ago
A MyBCTeam Member

True @A MyBCTeam Member Of course the government doesn't want us healthy which is another reason why I don't believe there will ever be a cure for most cancers. There will be more drugs on the market every few years, drugs with different names but they all do the same thing, cut down on this or that receptor, bind to this or that, promising less side effects but that won't happen either.

Other countries are cheaper but have longer wait times and may not have access to high quality machines. Many wealthy people come to the US for surgeries.

There are no answers. If every cancer patient could boycott ONCOLOGY-PHARMA for a year in protest of these obscene costly treatments maybe then...we would be heard but thats not going to happen. Imagine the losses drug manufactures would take if something like that were to happen.

January 26

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