Port Removal And Clavicle Pain?
Thought it was a stiff neck 4 days after surgery but now trying pinpoint actual pain, I'd say it's more like the clavicle area. Has anyone experienced this?
Thanks as always wonderful ladies!
Check your temp often, and keep an eye open for any sign of fluid build-up or infection. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. Maybe you have overdone it a bit physically? I know when mine was in- and I was really active, it would sometimes be achy the next day or two. Hope it eases up soon! Hugs!
Definitely more with going in- which makes sense, they have to shove a foreign object into a place that is not meant to accommodate! Getting it out was so much easier. It was a little sore- but nothing Tylenol or similar couldn't handle.
@A MyBCTeam Member I had that regarding when they put my port in, but had no even slight discomfort when they took it out. Everyone is different as well. <3
Neck pain, including clavicle pain, can occur after port placement for breast cancer treatment. Here are some key points to consider:
- Normal Pain: It's normal to experience pain during port placement and soreness as your body adjusts. Minor bleeding and bruising are also common
- Pain Management: Discuss any Show Full Answer
I'm Great, Just Having Headaches 😩 And Tried My Energy Is Very Low Never Had A Problem With That Before, My Be My Age 🙃 😅.
Do You Get Tried Really Fast 😕
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