So I Don't Know If It's Just Me Or If It's Due To Treatment, But When I Drink Soda, Or Anything, Out Of Can It Taste Funny, Anyone Else?
Treatment is Enhurtu, haven't had infusion for 3 months due to other health issues. And Exemestain
May I recommend something: do not drink soda! It’s loaded with sugar and sugar feeds cancer. You need to avoid all foods and drinks with added sugar.
I know when I was on chemo, my tastes were way off- and anything from a can tasted especially metallic- I didn't like the silverware either. I normally can't stand Mountain Dew, but a couple days after chemo it tasted Fantastic!! Then after a week, it was back to being gross- lol! There are so many weird aspects to this journey! Bottled soda worked better- or just putting it in a glass. Hope this passes quickly for you~ Hugs!
@A MyBCTeam Member thank you for the advice I appreciate it. I understand, at this point sense I am having problems with with weight and eating my doctor for now is at the point of eating whatever I am craving....
Teresa, it is frustrating when the things we want to eat- or feel like our tummy can handle it- is not appealing because of how chemo interferes with taste and smell. I finished active treatment 4 years ago, and now rarely eat seafood, The slightest "fishy" whiff, and my stomach is rolling! I'm glad you are enjoying all the goodies! Any special traditional treats planned for the upcoming holidays?
I think each of us need to decide for ourselves what we eat or drink. I am DYING of cancer, with no hope of ever getting better. If I want to have a soda every day, I'm going to have one and enjoy what life I have left. Same with cookies, candy, etc.
Hello, Hope All Is Well! I'm Having Problems With Tasting My Food. I'm On My 4th Cycle 1st Day Of Chemo. Do Anyone Have Any Advice?
Any Suggestions What To Eat Or Not To Eat During Chemo? Chemo Diet Suggestions?
What To Expect On 1st Chemo Treatment?