What’s It Like To Have Lymph Nodes In The Arm Pit Removed? Or Is Radiation Just As Effective?
Having the lymph nodes removed isn’t just for treatment, it is also for diagnosis. If they find a positive lymph node, they will keep removing until there is no cancer. I was having reconstruction at the same time,, my surgeon went through my breast incisions to get to my axilla. I am told the arm pit can be tender. Putting a small pillow under your arm can help.
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Lymph node removal in the armpit, such as axillary lymph node dissection (ALND), can help diagnose and treat breast cancer but comes with side effects like pain, numbness, scarring, and a risk of lymphedema. Radiation therapy can be just as effective in some cases. A 2013 study found no significant difference in recurrence Show Full Answer
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