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Is Anybody Experiencing Signs Of Depression Because Of Tamoxifen?

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
Hamilton, OH
October 24, 2012
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A MyBCTeam Member

Thank you Mary's not knowing I had cancer. I was 12% bodyfat, ripped, ready to get my personal trainer certification at 43, before cancer. I am not the same person I was....I lifted and trained with a trainer through chemo and rads and herceptin....the poop did not hit the fan until after about 1 year on Tamox. I barely have the energy to get through the day, let alone gym rat it up. I hope to take anti-depressents, switch meds, whatever, get back in shape. Get my trainer cert and help other people who have had health challenges. I am viewing this as a huge obstacle...I am pushing, fighting, bitching, whatever I need to do to be my own advocate. I need a solution, and I will get it. no matter whose butt I have to kick. just is nice to know I am not alone with the side, how to manage them for a good quality of life. Thanks for your support! I am new here, but liking this site!
Thanks ladies!

October 26, 2012
A MyBCTeam Member

I have been on Tamoxifen for 2 years now and have had no adverse side effects. One change I made was to take better care of myself - eating healthy and exercising. I find that daily walks really start my day off on a positive note and gives me energy for the rest of the day.

October 24, 2012
A MyBCTeam Member

I have trouble with depression too. I blame tam. for feeling tired, for hot flashes, sick etc. I never thought it could make me depressed but something is and it won't go away. I am ashamed and even embaresed about it but just can't pull myself out. Hang in there (I get so tired of hearing that) it WILL get better. I have had a great 2 days in a row (never happens) but today I am real tired again. Who knows...Just stay on your meds doll and try to find some "happy" foods. (very important)

October 25, 2012
A MyBCTeam Member

@JustJoan and other ladies....I went to oncology yesterday. He gave me 37.5 mg of Effexor without making me go to a psychiatrist. I took one yesterday, and while my sleep was awful, I did not wake up in a pool of sweat! I don't know if it could work that fast with regards to the sweating, all I know is that is the first time I have not woken up drenched. He is also checking my B-12 and vitamin D levels. Going to get Thyroid bloodbwork today. I will keep you posted! I feel better knowing that at least I am being proactive in trying to make this better. Good day all!

November 7, 2012
A MyBCTeam Member

I had my primary care doc do a hormone panel. I have no uterus, just ovaries, so I do not know where I am naturally. The hormone panel said i am in menopause. Chemo was 2.5 years ago. My breast surgeon said it could be because of chemo.

October 31, 2012

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