I know 2 post-menopausal women who are taking Tamoxifen. One had BC, the other is BRCA positive and had her ovaries removed. I am pre-menopausal and taking it. Is there a difference in Tamoxifen for post/pre-menopausal women? What are the benefits of Tamoxifen for post-menopausal women? Just curious. Thanks!
Hi - just wanted to follow up on this. I saw my MO and asked him what the deal was! Beenefit of Tamoxifen for post-menopause – it’s a standard treatment, nothing wrong for taking for BC. However, Aromatose inhibitors are more effective and replaced a lot of Tamoxifen being used, but it’s still used. It’s liked because it preserves bone and there are less day to day side effects with joints/osteoperosis. Still used. Now because of need for extended therapy, it’s important to switch up between Tamoxifen and inhibitors. Thought this was interesting and exactly why @Melissachasman is taking it :) Thanks everyone!
I'm post menopausal and I'm on Tomoxifen because I have pre osteoporosis . Apparently Tomoxifen is easier on your bones than Aremadix.
I would like to know too! I take Tamoxifen but was pre-menopausal when I started less than a year ago. My doctor says I need to be without period for a year to be considered post menopausal and then we have options to switch to one of the aromatase inhibitors. You can only take Tamoxifen if you are pre but if post you can continue to take Tamxoifen or switch to AI. Often recommended to switch to AI after taking tamoxifen for a few years if you have become post menopausal.
I’m post menopausal and taking tamoxifen. I can’t take any of the AI’s because I already have osteoporosis/osteopenia. My bones break too easily. Tamoxifen can actually build bone density in post menopausal women, so that’s a good thing for me. There are a few risks with tamoxifen in post menopausal use, but the risks are very low. It also isn’t quite as effective as the AI’s in preventing a reoccurrence, but it’s the only option I have. I’ve only been on it since December 2, 2023 and so far, I have noticed any side effects. I will hope that continues.
From what I was told Tomoxifen really has no difference for pre or post women because it is treating the cancer and removing estrogen. It is harder on some women then others. It is easier on women as far as side affects because it is not as aggressive as Aremadix. None of the cancer meds are any fun.
5 Yr Pill Treatment
Is Tamoxifen Making Your Lymphedema Worse?