Hair Loss After Surgery Due To Pressure On Your Head From A Long Operation.
I had a Bilateral Mastectomy with DIEP Flap Reconstruction done at the same time. Since theis was a 15 in a half hour surgery of which 12 hours were with my feet above my head I woke up with my scalp killing me. Has anyone had a reaction on their scalp from the pressure on your head during surgery? I was told I had a "silver cap" (it could at least have been pink,lol) on my head and it was in a donut, or maybe that was the donut, who knows. Regardless,. all I know is my SCALP hurt after… read more
My mastectomy was in 2014. Then 6 mo chemo followed by a month of radiation. I had to wait a year before I could have the diep flap done as they said I had to be well over with it all. Maybe that accounts for no hair issues. But my hair only took 2 weeks after the first chemo to all fall out! That was the most devastating experience!
I’m wondering if they gave you something during surgery to bring your BP up ( if it went down during that very long surgery). They did that to my son in the ER when he had extreme hypotension and whatever they gave him it caused severe head pain! So much so that he was screaming in agony. Just a thought! I can’t believe it took so long to do your surgery! Wow!0
Definitely long surgeries can cause tissue damage on the pressure points. I have seen patients with forehead skin injuries due to too long on abdomen during spinal surgery. As a nurse I would stay away from having an optional surgery that would require hours and hours of anesthesia. There can be so many complications.
I don’t know what to say about your concern. Good luck with everything and take it one day at a time.
Could you please tell me about your experience having the DIEP flap surgery in reconstruction? This is an option I’m considering but have not met with a plastic surgeon since I am currently going through chemo.
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