Having Hysterectomy??
I had cancer since 2008, and took Tamoxefin for five years , i will be done by June, I was cancer free since that time. I am thinking of having Hysterectomy after the Tamoxfin......my oncologist said it is my decision. did any one have similar case ??????????????
My reaction is that if it isn't broken, don't fix it. Girl, haven't you gone through enough already?
I've been on Tamoxifen for 2 years. 1 period in 2 years. Took a tamoxifen vacation for 1 month, went back on and 3 weeks later started bad cramps and bleeding, which lasted 14 days. Had endometrial biopsy (came back normal - yeah) and now having hysterectomy and oophrectomy on Wednesday. My oncologist felt having my ovaries removed would be a very good idea and gyn agreed to it and said lets take uterus/cervix at same time - less place for cancer to go to. I refuse to go back on tamoxifen so this was a somewhat easy decision for me.
I think that a lot depends on your age, whether or not you're still menstruating, if your cycles are normal or spotty, what imaging shows, etc. this isn't one size fits all. I went to see a gynecological oncologist who was able relieve my fears of any female cancers, and who was very thorough. At a younger age you are in need if some Stephen for bone and heart and sex health so you can't completely discount those. Chemo already does damage to all 3 of those so you're already working at a deficit, in many cases. Get more than one opinion would be my suggestion, and preferably someone experienced in female cancers. Fear alone is no reason to make such a drastic decision.
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