Is Anyone Else Getting Partial Breast Radiation? I Am Having This Done, Using A Mammosite Device.
The breast surgeon recommended partial breast radiation for me, following a lumpectomy. A balloon is placed inside the incision site and I go twice a day for sessions in which a radioactive substance is temporarily placed inside the balloon. Radiation will be done in 5 days, which is great, but that is not the reason I went with this approach. Apparently this is a newer technique and there are clinical trials going on now to see whether it produced the same recurrence rates as standard… read more
I am a Radiation Oncology nurse and both Radiation treatments have worked well in the past. Only your doctor can recommend which one is best for you.
Mine is also for 5 days, but it is regular radiation, in higher doses.
(5 days = 30 treatments).
Radiation Onco asked if I would approve him doing only tumor bed radiation so as to not cause heart or lung issues. My tumor was at inside at 2 o'clock position. As he seemed really concerned about causing unwanted damage I agreed. Thinking back, it may have been because my heart is built a bit differently as I have Aberrant Right Subclavian Artery. At any rate it was 16 sessions and the last day the male techs presented me with a rose in a bud vase and told me they were happy to have been able to help me. I had no issues with radiation.
I had lumpectomy, and 25 radiation treatments specifically targeted. At the time of the lumpectomy, they did a IORT prior to stitches
I didn’t have this kind of radiation but they didn’t radiate my entire breast. It was very specific targeted radiation at the cancer site. If the machine was not aligned exactly on the spot, it would not turn on. Since I had cancer in both breasts and the lumpectomies at the same time, they radiated both breasts in the sane session. It took longer, but it was worth the time because the time going for radiation was cut down.
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Can Anyone Chime In About Data Or Experiences Relating To Whole Breast Versus Accelerated Partial Radiation ?