Has Anyone Experience A Bumpy Itchy Rash From Chemo?
I ended up with psoriasis from either Taxotere or Perjeta. The onc wasn't sure which but removed me from both. It was severe I couldn't open my mouth and was in horrible pain. Since starting a new chemo, I do have "acne" but it is manageable. I also still break out in rashes which are associated with the psoriasis. Definitely talk to your onc about getting it taken care of, you don't want those getting infected.
I experienced the same rash following each round and was prescribed a topical ointment. Once chemo was finished, I experienced no more rash.
I get an itchy rash on my hands and feet during taxol. Doctor told me to take an antihistamine and sure enough it worked! Also said rash was a side effect.
I have had 3 doses of taxol so far and I have developed this itchy acne-like rash with whitehead on my scalp and my back. I am not sure if they are the same as what you are describing. My doctor said it's a common side effect of taxol. She prescribed me a bottle of clindamycin, and told me to apply the anti-itch hydrocortisone on the rash. I am on a weekly cycle of taxol and the rash will subside towards the end of the week and they will emerge again about a day or so after my dose of taxol.
I also had a rash on my head and arms. The itch was hard not to scratch. I was given a steroid cream and that did help
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Hello! I Just Completed My 8th Radiation Treatment And Have A Terrible Itchy Rash. Any Suggestions? Hydrocortisone Doesn't Do A Thing For It