We R Not Suppose To Drink Alcohol Because It Could Cause A Recurrence So Has Anyone Tried Non Alcoholic Wine
Just a few days ago, BettyMeritt posted on one of my postings that recent studies show ANY amount of alcohol can cause bc. I watched a video by breast cancer.org last year that up to 3 drinks a week does NOT AFFECT bc. So just like everything else, it's not that clear.
I'm going to be mindful about my drinking, but I'm not too worry about my occasional drink of wine or cocktails.
My Onc told me that a glass of wine a night is all right since I've been drinking that all along. She does not tell her patients to stop their occasional drinking unless it interferes with meds.
I have read some conflicting reports/ research re soy and elevated estrogen levels. I briefly read your bio and it appears your tumour is triple negative? So, not sure why you are concerned about estrogen levels since your tumour does not seem to be fuelled by this hormone. That said, you are stage 1 and 71 years old- I would live my life to the fullest and be damned about what you "should and should not do" with respect to your cancer. You have obviously done well to live an enriched life to 71 and I'm sure you will make it another 10 years, at least (stage one usually has an 85% 10 year survival rate). I say, live your life the way you want to at this time in your life. You are likely retired and should enjoy yourself.
You can have alcoholic beverage, but moderation.
I was not told that I couldn't drink wine...I
Has Anyone Been Told Not To Drink Alcohol While Taking Tamoxifen?
I Haven't Seen A Recent Post, So Thought I'd Try -- Anyone Know Anything About Any Alcoholic Beverage That Does NOT Increase Hot Flashes?