Tamoxifen Side Effects
I may have my ovaries removed so I can stop taking tamoxifen. I am negative for beach one and two. I don't mind the hot flashes or joint pain but I get diarrea since I started this drug! Has anyone else?
I went through menopause years before diagnosis. I still have my ovaries but the doctor still wanted to put me on Femara to kill the estrogen in my body, even though doctors kept me on hormones for 26 years before my diagnosis. They were feeding my estrogen & progestin even though I was constantly questioning them. Now I have refused the Femara because I only have 7% chance of the cancer coming back. Now the medical team are my educated advisors but I am the director of my health care. I make the decisions!
You still have adrenal glands in your body that make estrogen so will never be estrogen free.
My GYN advised against removing my ovaries since i am BRCA- with manageable Tamoxifen side effects. She feels it's better to enter menopause naturally.
I am considering this option as well to avoid the Tamoxifen.
Has Anyone Had Any Experience With Tamoxien And If So What? Particularly Interested In People Who Are Post Menaposual
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