Has Anyone Changed From Taxol To Taxotere?
I've had 2 of 4 dose dense ( every 2 weeks) treatments of Taxol. Major bone and muscle pain!!! Finding little relief. Onc wants to change to Taxotere for last two treatments. Does anyone have experience with the switch? If so how did yours work for you?
I started welchol 625mg and it completely stopped the diarrhea! Its used to lower cholesterol and lower blood sugar but the off label use is as a bile binder. My diarrhea was fluorescent yellow and that indicates bile from your liver (prob freaking out from the chemo) and the welchol stopped it cold. Hallelujah!
I take one every 6 to 8 hours for a week after each Herceptin treatment. If I feel constipated, I stop taking until I have another bout of diarrhea.
how did you take it? before eating, or after loose stools, or 2 4x a day spaced evenly?
I've heard all 3. my doc told me to take it after loose stools & it doesnt seem to help. only tried it twice...
I got put on Lomotil which cut my diarrhea back from 6 bouts a day to 2 or 3. Yes I was fairly housebound for a couple months, but I didn't need to worry about having uncontrolled leaks.
i am doing the opposite - switching from taxotere (docetaxol) to taxol. I am switching because of the debilitating gastrointestinal effects. Severe abdominal cramping and diarrhea that made me housebound. I even had accidents soiling myself while sleeping at night. horrifying!
Someone Share With Me Please The Side Effects You Have Had With Taxotere?
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