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Does Hair Regrow Bettter From A Bald Head Or From Stubble

A MyBCTeam Member asked a question 💭
San Pedro, CA

Does it grow better from complete bald...(shaved) or from miniscule stubble, which i have now. Don't know whether to shave it with a razor.

March 10, 2015
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A MyBCTeam Member

I had cut my hair is stages prior to starting chemo and buzzed it off after the second treatment. My head itched so badly when my hair started growing back I had to stop wearing wigs. It was like having chickenpox on my head. We allowed the hair to just grow back naturally until it was long enough to buzz it with a guard to keep it a more uniform. Once it was about half an inch long we started trimming the ends for the same reason. My hair came in fine, wavy, dark with no gray, BBC hair was thick, coarse and straight as my horses tail. After a few months it turned what we jokingly call ape orange. I did have a patch of hair on the back of my head that grew in faster, like a horizontal stripe, hilarious!

March 10, 2015
A MyBCTeam Member

I just let my hair grow. It started growing back during taxol treatments. It grew first in the back bottom area. I just let it grow and grow and grow. I have a full head of hair but the back is longer than on top. I gel it down. Once the top gets longer I will get a cut to even it all out. I finished chemo july 2014.

March 11, 2015
A MyBCTeam Member

whatever you don't shave it with a razor it will give you folliculitis which itches like crazy. Get a buzz cut with an electric razor and leave about 1/2 inch. Mine got bald in patches after the buzz cut.

May 27, 2015
A MyBCTeam Member

don't shave because if u cut yourself u could get infection.

May 27, 2015
A MyBCTeam Member

Don't shave with a razor your follicles can become infected due to your low white cell count. Just get a buzz cut

March 14, 2015

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