Has Anyone Used Essential Oils As A Supplement To Treatment?
I have used essential oils for years and years. Still do. Love them.
There is a protocol on website Everything Essential.me under cancer...it sounds extreme and expensive. I'm hoping I can modify it maybe cut to 1/3 the dose and use once or twice daily. Will have to see if my oncologist is ok with it. Has anyone gotten the ok during chemo to use oils?
@A MyBCTeam Member I have used oils for about 1/2 of the time I have been on chemo. I feel my energy levels are higher, I am sleeping better and it is hard to know on the blood counts.They have been slowly coming back up. I am not sure if this is from the oils or not. I am also using rosemary for hair growth. Again, hard to tell if the growth is from the oils, but my hair is growing! Yippee!!!
@A MyBCTeam Member I plan on starting them now, but my chemo isn't scheduled to start until a couple weeks after my mastectomy which is this coming thursday. I will talk it over with oncologist and see what he says on May 5th. I have read info from others on other websites that say the results are positive and the percentage of healthy cells damaged is less. Also they report blood counts coming back quicker. Some use the oils instead of traditional therapy, but others use them as a compliment. I will look for links and post them within the next couple days.. gotta sleep now...work tomorrow.
@A MyBCTeam Member I did read the article and it sounds very good. I am personally of the opinion that cancer is a very complicated disease and am not sure there is a magic bullet. I read way too many of these articles and have gotten skeptical. On the other hand it doesn't hurt to explore and try different things. One of the nurse navigators at a support group I go to has studied oils. She is giving a talk Tues. I will ask her about it. I use a lot of different oils.
Does Anyone Use Any Form Of Essential Oils In Treatment?
Essential Oils
Does Anyone Have Suggestions As To Hair Regrowth? Too Much Info On Google; Not Sure If I Trust Those Ads. Appreciate Your Help!!