Essential Oils
Has anyone used essential oils for pain? I just started using Marjoram and it has helped some for my osteoarthritis of my hips. I need both hip replacements like soon. This oil works almost instantly. I use it only at bedtime. One drop for each hip I would like to use it for my joint pain due to the estrogen blocker I take. I have read these oils can be very potent and some cannot be used for long period of time. Anyone have more info or know how much to use?
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Accupunture helped a great deal for me too. My husband used to make fresh juice to. Mostly green. I have no idea the recipes. All together it realy helps.
@A MyBCTeam Member.....I use acupuncture for the aches and pains from tamoxifen. I also green juice sometimes twice a day. Your sugar levels will also come down if you don't use fruit. Give it a try
Thanks 4 sharing information. ..where cN this b pursued ???? I'm presently seeing pin moment being told that with all disability autoimmune, bone diabetic & kindly has just started I think cause ant get sugars under 309 ,outa no were I crash into 707 they think I've now damaged kidney :( I'm getting so depressed I don't know which way to turn I do feel that there has to be a solution to this I can't see living 9 years on his medications with all these pains and basically just laying around a good quality of life I really want to stop the tamoxifen I pray there something else I can take that will go along with my other disabilities and not cause such severe pain anyone has any ideas please share them I'm in desperate need please I wish I lived on the west coast I be taking medical marijuana I heard that works for the pain and stop stumer road but unfortunately I live in South Florida and it's illegal so where did the doctors go do they give you opiate pain pills and I don't want to take them because I don't want to become addicted to them and they tell me well that's my choice take the pain pills and it smacks of in to save your life or stop the tamoxifen and you won't need the pain pills what choice is that anyway thanks for listening to me again I'm sorry I go on and on with my issues I apologize have a blessed weekend Lisa
Dibsonthat thanks for the article.
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