What Do I Do If My Insurance Says They Aren't Paying For Genetic Testing, That I Already Had Done? I'm Panicked, It's Over $4,000. :(
My first appt with my surgeon, I filled out paperwork and it had a section asking if any of my family have had breast cancer. (A cousin and an aunt). She wanted to draw blood so I let the nurse. In the meantime I met with my oncologist. He advised me to get my surgery done and let things calm down and then decide about genetic testing. Well a few weeks later I get a call that my genetic tests are in and it's good news. I said wait a minute, I didn't know I was having that testing done yet. Iā¦ read more
Ask your Doctor if they ask the Insurance company first before doing the oncotype test. All my doctors offices do it before accepting any types of test or procedures. After my test scores came back low I decided not to have Chemo and just did radiation. I did get a bill for the $4,000. but the company that did the oncotype DX genetic testing said that they would appeal and fight for me and they did. I ended up paying about $600. Hope that helps.
I had something similar happen. Was told the lab gets insurance approval before running tests. If no approval they will call to see if you want to pay out of pocket before running tests. Signed a form that stated my max out of pocket expenses would be 100.00/test. Never heard from the lab, tests were run. Come to find out my insurance only covered 25%. Lab had me sign appeal paperwork, that is still pending.
I had a genetic counselor that told me that the lab verifies your insurance before running the test, even though they still have the blood. I was told that they would contact me if my ins didn't cover or if it was going to cost anything at all. Then 3 months later $4040.00 . I took that bill to that counselor and told her I was not paying it. I never was contacted by anyone. She said she would look into it. Not only that but results came back that I have a very rare gene that very few Drs even know about. The only thing i can do is give it to God and let Him take care of all my worries.
A lot of doctors make sure the insurance we have will pay for what they order, my doctor always checks first and then she finds the correct wording so they will pay for it.
Ask the Genetic Test Company for a grant to pay for it. These companies receive donations and government funding so they should provide so relief for those whose insurance refuse to pay.
Is There Anyone That Has Had Genetic Testing And If So What Were The Pros And The Cons ? I I Lost My Mom A Year Ago To Multiple Myeloma Bone
Back To Work & Oncotest Dx
Genetic Testing: If Maternal Grandmother And Her Sister Had Breast Cancer, And Then Me, Should I Have The Genetic Testing Done?