Anyone Have Their Echo Numbers Go Down And Get Denied Chemo Session?
I went in for my maintenance chemo today of herceptin/perjeta and they sent me home because the numbers from my echo went down from 60 (3 mos ago) to 47.3 this one in November. Anyone have that problem and what did they do about it? Funny thing is, I called the oncologist office last week to ask about the echo and a nurse called me back and said the test was fine and my oncologist was happy with it. He is on vacation this week and the other doctor said I couldn't have the chemo. Not sure… read more
I was told that 50 was the benchmark on the echo. Mine went down to 59 from 65 and I was concerned. They told me they didn't worry until it went down to 50. I'm not surprised they held your Herceptin since cardiac output is a concern. ( I am also a retired nurse who did cardiovascular home care. ) wonder if they'll wait on the Herceptin and do another echo before resuming,
It's often not just the cancer treatment alone but the effects on your other organs. Rest assured they are being cautious with your long term health. Hugs from here😍
My blood pressure hasn't dropped from it though I guess that wouldn't be bad since I have high blood pressure anyway.
No mine where good but in between my bp keeped dropping an a couple times I thought I would pass out even when I did the stand up to cancer an one person asked if I was ok
I don't know if 50 is a cut off, but I read a cumulative drop of 16% in the ejection fraction is when a treatment might be delayed. So I'm wondering - my first echo was 74%, third 58%. That puts me at 21%!
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Good Morning All!! Wondering If Anyone Has Experienced Muscle Pain In Their Legs Several Weeks After Their Last Chemo Session.