Does Anyone Know Of A Good Support Bra That Is Both Pretty & Comfortable, Without Underwire?
I had a lumpectomy & have been wearing underwire bras because I can't find any without underwire. I have sports bras but I don't like the fact that you can see the straps under a lot of shirts I wear. I would really like to be able to wear a normal bra & for it to be comfortable.
Ana has a nice selection of styles and colors that are pocketed for prostheses or liners. They're a bit pricey, but worth it to me and they'll work with getting your insurance to cover them!
The underwire can interfere with the movement of lymph fluid, that can result in lymphedema. Of particular concern if you have had an axillary dissection. Do everything you can to avoid lymphedema. So far my arm is fine but I do have lymphedema in my breast. It's very painful. An underwire is not worth this.
I could not wear sports bras after lumpectomy surgery and still can’t. The left side covered the lymph node stitches and was painful. All the interior seams on the whole sports bras were rough, both the Target and Kohl’s brands.
Am using Bali bras from Amazon.
I really miss my underwire bras as they give such good support.
My Care Coordinator had a list of locations in my area. Nordstroms was on the list,but there were also specialty shops and medical supply type locations.,Like I said, she also wrote an rx so my insurance covers 2 bras a year.
You can also cut out the underwire and still have the pretty bras.
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