Low White Blood Count
Just had my routine appt. with my onc and had my blood work done. The white blood count went down to 2.8 from 5.2. Does anyone know why this occurred? I don't feel sick ; just tired . They are rechecking me in 2 weeks)
I just read this on the front page of MSN: 6 Things That Might Happen If You Stop Drinking Soda
Wish I had known this when I was going through chemo. And apparently I need to apply this to my life now.
>>>>You Could Get Fewer Colds - Ever wonder why you’re always the one who catches the bug going around the office? If you drink two cans of non-diet soda a day, the 200 grams of sugar you’re consuming will reduce your white blood cells’ ability to kill germs by 40%. Damn.<<<<
Chemo and lots of things while undergoing treatments can cause low white cell count. I had the neulasta injections and still had very low white count. My onco told me if I get a temp of 99 or over to go to the ER.. glad I listened to him because had a low grade fever , went to ER and found out I was in kidney failure and my BP was bottoming out. They first thought I was septic from an infection, so put me in ICU and had to be on all kinds of IV antibioctics and a couple bags of blood transfused. Turns out wasn't infection , had a SIRS attack.. scarey because I still had more chemo to get thru. I pulled thru all this though.. uh obvously duh.. lol.. fininshed chemo , radiation, but I still havent gotten back my pre BC energy or stamina yet.. its improving.. I'm dont look like an albino zombie any more.. and I also had to give myself injections.. still do every evening .. you get used to it... stings a bit.. but hey.. it could always be worse..
Now is the time when you will be at some increased risk of catching the cold of the century.
Your body is working hard to fight and deal with the treatments that will help you be healthier down the road. But at this moment in time you need to be vigilant and protect yourself.
Have you ever seen the folks at the airport wearing surgical masks? They don't have a disease they are protecting everyone else from. They are protecting themselves from everyone else's germs! The world is a germ filled place and because your body is now managing a low white blood count you are in a more delicate state than usual. As the ladies said above, you have to protect yourself in ways you wouldn't have needed to think about in the past.
Stay away from movie theaters, malls, even grocery stores if you can. Grocery store carts are covered in germs. Small children share lot of germs on the school grounds and we love our babies, but if you can, keep some distance from wet sweet kisses just for the time being as they are little germ carriers than can give them the sniffles, and put you flat on your back.
Avoid crowds, airplanes, and trains. And if you must do those things, swallow your pride and put a mask on to keep the bad germs away from you. This is the time to treat yourself like the precious, beautiful thing you are. Don't expose yourself to unnecessary people. Its totally temporary, although it doesn't feel that way some days. But if you protect it now, your body will regain its strength and its immune system. Give it some time and patience. You'll be better than ever!
Same experience thru treatment Roseann ..... Threat of infection is greatest risk, too.
Are you on chemo? When I was on chemo they gave me neulasta shots a couple days after to boost my white cell count. Having a low white cell count would make you feel tired. Let us know what he finds out. <3
My Chemo Was Canceled Because My White Blood Cell Count Was Very Low.
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