Who Has Been On Kadcyla And What Were Your Results?
I have had three sessions of Kadcyla so far and no real side effects to speak of. Really hoping I can stay on this for an extended period of time as this is the best I've felt since this journey started. I've met a couple of friends on here who are on Kadcyla but according to the statistics there should be around 60 members who have tried it. Would love to hear from more of you as to your experience with this drug. Also were you or are you presently on a hormone blocker while on Kadcyla… read more
Amen... Glad to hear
I been on kadcyla coming up five treatment I have experience mild headache some nausea but overall I feel good normal feeling my quality off life is good I'm able to do more and be more active on some days I do still get fatigue,I also had low platelets and ended up in hospital my onco reduce [[treatment:kadcyla:540f68a808c9295d[[phone:51000681]] 10:]] percent which works better for me so far no big problems I'm metastatic breast cancer, recurrence
@A MyBCTeam Member, praying for you as well as RoseannDT for relieve and comfort. Pray the meds work. Roseann so far no other side effects with Faslodex. I don't think my headache was related. Had injection last Wednesday and feeling great. Just fatigue from radiation treatments
I guess I don't have to do a pet scan they said it was caught early and didn't spread and my margin was clean
Is Anyone Taking Kadcyla & Herceptin Treatments And If So What Has Been Your Side Effects?
Anyone Getting Bruising From Treatment? Oncologist Says It's From The Kadcyla - I'm Looking Like I Was In A Boxing Tournament!